Saturday, September 14, 2013

Denver Snuffer and The LDSFF Apostates

Well, well, well.........

Denver Snuffer has been excommunicated...who would've seen that coming. Many are surprised on the LDSFF that this could happen. I saw this coming along time ago.

Denver publishes a book which contradicts official Church doctrine, refuses to repent and stop his apostate behavior so therefore he is excomunicated and now it's all the Church's fault. I really hope that Denver will swallow his pride and change before it is too late. I believe that Denver has been deceived by one who can appear as an angel of light.

Some on the LDSFF think that Denver is the mighty and strong one spoken of in the scriptures despite the fact The First Presidency issued a statement saying it was Bishop Edward Partridge.

Others think Denver is a "Samuel the Lamanite" which just isn't the case. The Lord has in place his chosen servants and will work through them to administer to the Church.  The Lord's pattern has been established in this the last dispensation of the fulness of times. There will be no more general apostasy. There will however be personal apostasy from the truth. How complicated can people make the Gospel?

The sifting continues........