Saturday, July 6, 2013

Letter to AussieOI

The other day in the apostate world on LDSFF my dear fan AussieOI had this to say,

by AussieOi » Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:46 pm
"To think, wackjobs like this get unsupervised access to teach children their own version of religion.

I'm glad this person was banned from here"
Dear Aussie,
I am not unsupervised in teaching The Gospel of Jesus Christ to my kids. I am guided by the Holy Spirit. Unlike you I teach my children the importance of keeping the commandments. Unlike you I teach my children the importance of paying tithing. Unlike you I teach my children to sustain and follow their leaders with FAITH. I teach them to pray about all things. Unlike you I will encourage my children to serve full-time missions for the LDS Church. All in all I teach them to be good and faithful Latter-Day Saints.
In closing you should add to your moniker (I'm not a Mormon) I'm not a Latter-Day Saint either.
You do not believe in or espouse the beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
P.S. I did not get banned from the LDSFF....I'm still there!


  1. Spot on Chad. I like to read threads on LDS Freedom Forum in my spare time. Aussie OI is negative and cynical toward everything the LDS Church teaches and does. He regularly condemns the prophets and apostles for caring only about money and being uninspired. He trashes church programs as being a waste of time. And he belittles people who make an effort to defend the faith from his accusations. Everything he posts leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I'm glad to see someone else notices it too.

    1. Thanks for the comment JC. AussieOI is an interesting fellow. I have no ill will towards him....but he is definitely showing himself the door. Personal Apostasy starts when we find fault with our leaders and seek to counsel them. Some on the LDSFF think they know better than the Brethren. The sifting is in full force. Hope all is well with you.
